K is a level-headed and reasonable crime lord if you approach him with respect, but a ruthless and violent force of a nature if you get on his bad side.īesides his criminal profile, Mr. When focused, he is known to be an extremely strategic thinker and is highly skilled in ambushes and urban combat tactics, leading Chang Gang into battles-against police and enemy gangs alike-with a level-head and often coming out on top regardless of the cards handed to him. K is regarded by many as the 'Final Boss' of Los Santos due to his position as leader of the strongest criminal gang in the city and due to his excellent knowledge of warfare. His spirit animal is the dragon, which he embodies when brandishing his cursed katana engraved with dragon energy. A heavy drug user and adrenaline junkie, he is frequently injured as a result of his sometimes reckless behavior, spontaneous antics, and high-speed driving in his Bentley Dragon or BF Ladybird. K is a self-described native of Puerto Rico with a notably thick accent.
He was previously a Solo Cadet for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #686. Kebun is a co-founder and the leader of Chang Gang. 'If I steal your car, that's my car now!' ― Mr K